The Borough of Ship Bottom Water Utilities drinking water meets and surpasses all federal and state drinking water standards. The utility supplies excellent potable water to the residents of the Borough of Ship Bottom at a reasonable rate. Our service is provided without interruption seven days a week year-round. The water quality is very good, and therefore the treatment process at the utility creates exceptional drinking water.
Water/Sewer Contacts
Dawn Annarumma Phone (609) 494-2171 ext. 101 Fax (609) 494-7763 |
Water & Sewer Bills
METERED Water and Sewer bills are prepared and mailed quarterly and are due: January 15th, April 15th, July 15th and October 15th.
NON-METERED RESIDENTIAL Water and Sewer bills are billed annually: due May 1st and October 1st.
Payments must be RECEIVED by the 24th of each of those months to avoid interest. Interest, when charged, is calculated from the original due date.
You may pay your TAX, SEWER and WATER bill payments online by debit card, credit card and e-check. The Borough of Ship Bottom contracted for the service with Edmunds & Associates, which provides electronic payment processing for municipalities, counties, utility authorities and school boards. Edmunds & Associates is a company widely used by municipalities throughout the East Coast for secure online payment processing, which integrates with our existing financial accounting software.
Please be advised that Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express) and E-Check payments can only be made via the internet and that there are convenience fees that will be charged to the user for each transaction.
*Please note the convenience fees are retained by the service provider and are not paid to the Borough of Ship Bottom.
The convenience fees are as follows;
E-Check $1.05
VISA Personal Debit Card $3.95
All other Debit/Credit Cards 2.95%